Initial Intake
The intake is meant to gather information from both historical and current day experience.
I also will want to know what your personal goals are for accomplishing this work. Part of what we explore regarding your development and relationship patterns are strategies that were typically developed long ago. Those strategies may have kept you safe when they developed but now hinder connection and care for yourself and others. Some of these strategies can be intergenerational.
You will also complete two formal assessments. We can discuss these when you schedule your intake if you have questions. This information will provide a very clear working map of how we proceed for the next two and a half days.

Three Day Intensives
We typically meet for three full days. Occasionally there are requests for four day. We engage in clinical work six hours each day.
You will have two short breaks and lunch. An hour is structured for these intermissions; you can decide how to use them. You are not charged for this hour. I have a fridge, coffee makings, tea, microwave and fridge. I encourage people to bring snacks, drinks and lunch.
This can sound daunting however using the methods we do feels like time zooms by. You may feel tired but not overwhelmed. This time is solely for you.
Following treatment clients consistently report notable changes. These are different for everyone. Most of the clients I see return to their own primary therapist or couples therapist and find they can go deeper in their work without reactivity disrupting the processes. Every person leaves with a clear concrete aftercare plan.