Here to help you understand and recover from the effects of a traumatic experience.

Loralee Carter, LCSW, SC
I can help you understand and recover from the effects of traumatic experience. As tough as trauma is, there are treasures to be discovered and received on the path to healing.
My therapy services can help you move forward in your life and relationships.
Many people do not understand trauma and how it effects daily life. I can help you recognize those effects and how they can be diminished and/or transformed by my work.
Loralee Carter, LCSW, SC is a trauma care specialist. She is accepting new referrals for her Three Day intensives.
My 3-day Intensives are a model I have developed and used for the past 17 years.
Human beings live and develop in systems.
We are beings who are physical, psychological, emotional, neurobiological, sexual, social, developmental and spiritual.
Wounding and disruptions from traumatic sources and experience occur in all these systems.
My 3-day Intensives™ model touches into all these systems. Learn More Today >>